basics/types | TypeAnnotation | 类型标注 | Boolean 布尔值{ "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Boolean", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }
| |
Integer 整数{ "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }
| |
Decimal 小数{ "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Decimal", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }
| |
String 字符串{ "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "String", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }
| |
basics/types | DatabaseTypeAnnotation | 数据库存储类型 | { "concept": "DatabaseTypeAnnotation", "typeName": "decimal", "arguments": { "precision": "31" } }
| |
basics/types | TypeParam | 类型参数 | { "concept": "TypeParam", "name": "T" }
| |
basics/types | Structure | 数据结构 | { "concept": "Structure", "name": "ProductOrder", "description": "", "properties": [ { "concept": "StructureProperty", "name": "product", "label": "商品", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "reference", "typeNamespace": "app.dataSources.defaultDS.entities", "typeName": "Product", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }, "jsonName": "", "description": "" }, { "concept": "StructureProperty", "name": "order", "label": "订单", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "reference", "typeNamespace": "app.dataSources.defaultDS.entities", "typeName": "OrderForm", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }, "jsonName": "", "description": "" }, { "concept": "StructureProperty", "name": "count", "label": "数量", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }, "jsonName": "", "description": "" } ] }
| @(description = "") struct ProductOrder { @( label = "商品", description = "", jsonName = "", ) product: app::dataSources::defaultDS::entities::Product @( label = "订单", description = "", jsonName = "", ) order: app::dataSources::defaultDS::entities::OrderForm @( label = "数量", description = "", jsonName = "", ) count: nasl::core::Integer }
带描述的示例{ "concept": "Structure", "name": "ProductOrder", "description": "表示商品订单的结构", "properties": [ { "concept": "StructureProperty", "name": "product", "label": "商品", "description": "商品属性", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "reference", "typeNamespace": "app.dataSources.defaultDS.entities", "typeName": "Product", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }, "jsonName": "product-" }, { "concept": "StructureProperty", "name": "order", "label": "订单", "description": "订单属性", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "reference", "typeNamespace": "app.dataSources.defaultDS.entities", "typeName": "OrderForm", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }, "jsonName": "order-" }, { "concept": "StructureProperty", "name": "count", "label": "数量", "description": "订单中该商品的数量", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }, "jsonName": "count-", "defaultValue": { "concept": "DefaultValue", "expression": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "120", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, "playground": [] } } ] }
| @(description = "表示商品订单的结构") struct ProductOrder { @( label = "商品", description = "商品属性", jsonName = "product-", ) product: app::dataSources::defaultDS::entities::Product @( label = "订单", description = "订单属性", jsonName = "order-", ) order: app::dataSources::defaultDS::entities::OrderForm @( label = "数量", description = "订单中该商品的数量", jsonName = "count-", ) count: nasl::core::Integer = 120 }
{ "concept": "Structure", "name": "ExtendedList", "description": "", "typeParams": [ { "concept": "TypeParam", "name": "T" } ], "properties": [ { "concept": "StructureProperty", "name": "length", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Integer", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }, "description": "", "jsonName": "" } ] }
| @(description = "") struct ExtendedList<T> { @( description = "", jsonName = "", ) length: nasl::core::Integer }
basics/types | StructureProperty | 数据结构属性 | { "concept": "StructureProperty", "name": "count", "label": "数量", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }, "description": "", "jsonName": "" }
| @( label = "数量", description = "", jsonName = "", ) count: nasl::core::Integer
{ "concept": "StructureProperty", "name": "count", "label": "数量", "description": "订单中该商品的数量", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }, "jsonName": "count-", "defaultValue": { "concept": "DefaultValue", "expression": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "120", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, "playground": [] } }
| @( label = "数量", description = "订单中该商品的数量", jsonName = "count-", ) count: nasl::core::Integer = 120
basics/types | Enum | 枚举 | { "concept": "Enum", "name": "ProductStatus", "label": "", "description": "", "enumItems": [ { "concept": "EnumItem", "value": "Listing", "label": "上架" }, { "concept": "EnumItem", "value": "Delisting", "label": "下架" } ] }
| @( label = "", description = "", ) enum ProductStatus { @(label = "上架") Listing @(label = "下架") Delisting }
带描述的示例{ "concept": "Enum", "name": "ProductStatus", "label": "商品状态", "description": "表示商品状态的枚举", "enumItems": [ { "concept": "EnumItem", "value": "Listing", "label": "上架" }, { "concept": "EnumItem", "value": "Delisting", "label": "下架" } ] }
| @( label = "商品状态", description = "表示商品状态的枚举", ) enum ProductStatus { @(label = "上架") Listing @(label = "下架") Delisting }
basics/types | EnumItem | 枚举值 | 带描述的示例{ "concept": "EnumItem", "value": "Listing", "label": "上架" }
| |
basics/types | MetadataType | 元数据类型 | { "concept": "MetadataType", "name": "Currency", "label": "货币", "uuid": "83450632af284642ab5c967e82d49be4", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Decimal", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }, "rules": [ { "concept": "ValidationRule", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.validation", "calleeName": "min", "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "min", "expression": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "0", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } } ], "target": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "" }, "enableServerValidation": true }, { "concept": "ValidationRule", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.validation", "calleeName": "max", "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "max", "expression": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "99999999", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } } ], "target": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "" }, "enableServerValidation": true } ], "playground": [] }
| @( label = "货币", uuid = "83450632af284642ab5c967e82d49be4", ) metadataType Currency extends nasl::core::Decimal { nasl::validation::min(0) nasl::validation::max(99999999) }
basics/literals | NullLiteral | 空字面量 | { "concept": "NullLiteral" }
| |
basics/literals | BooleanLiteral | 布尔型字面量 | { "concept": "BooleanLiteral", "value": "true" }
| |
basics/literals | StringLiteral | 字符串字面量 | { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "这是一段文本" }
| |
basics/literals | StringInterpolation | 字符串插值 | { "concept": "StringInterpolation", "expressions": [ { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "总数:" }, { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "total" }, { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "\n价格:" }, { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "price" } ] }
| s"总数:${total} 价格:${price}"
basics/literals | StaticString | 静态字符串 | { "concept": "StaticString", "value": "这是一段文本", "i18nKey": "21daa460e9976a46d1b948c13f211550" }
| @(i18nKey = "21daa460e9976a46d1b948c13f211550") '这是一段文本'
basics/literals | NumericLiteral | 数字字面量 | { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "24", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }
| |
basics/expressions | CallFunction | 调用函数 | { "concept": "CallFunction", "label": "调用逻辑", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.util", "calleeName": "Clone", "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "obj", "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "student" } } ] }
| nasl::util::Clone(student)
带 lambda 的入参{ "concept": "CallFunction", "label": "内置函数", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.util", "calleeName": "ListFilter", "typeArguments": [], "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "list", "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" } }, { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "by", "expression": { "concept": "AnonymousFunction", "params": [ { "concept": "Param", "name": "item", "description": "" } ], "body": { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "item" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "productReport" } }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "executed" } }, "right": { "concept": "NullLiteral" }, "operator": "!=" } } } ] }
| nasl::util::ListFilter(list, { item: nasl::core::String => item.productReport.executed != null })
basics/expressions | ValidationRule | 验证规则 | { "concept": "ValidationRule", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.validation", "calleeName": "maxLength", "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "max", "expression": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "100", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } } ], "target": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "" }, "enableServerValidation": true }
| nasl::validation::maxLength(100)
{ "concept": "ValidationRule", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.validation", "calleeName": "maxLength", "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "max", "expression": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "100", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } } ], "errorMessage": { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "格式不正确" }, "target": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "" }, "enableServerValidation": true }
| nasl::validation::maxLength(100)
basics/expressions | Identifier | 标识符 | { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "student" }
| |
枚举标识符{ "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "app.enums", "name": "StatusEnum" }
| |
basics/expressions | BinaryExpression | 二元表达式 | { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "ratio" }, "operator": "*", "right": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "100", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } }
| |
{ "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "ratio" }, "operator": "==", "right": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "1", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } }
| |
{ "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "condition1" }, "operator": "||", "right": { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "ratio" }, "operator": ">", "right": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "1", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } } }
| |
数据查询中的二元表达式{ "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "QueryFieldExpression", "isDotStar": false, "entityAsName": "Student", "propertyName": "fullName", "asName": "" }, "right": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "name" }, "operator": "like" }
| LIKE(Student.fullName, name)
basics/expressions | MatchCase | 匹配分支 | { "concept": "MatchCase", "patterns": [ { "concept": "BooleanLiteral", "value": "true" } ], "body": [ { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "1", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } ], "isMatchedTypeEnumable": true }
| |
{ "concept": "MatchCase", "patterns": [], "body": [], "isMatchedTypeEnumable": false }
| |
basics/expressions | Match | 匹配 | { "concept": "Match", "expression": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "item" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "productReport" } }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "executed" } }, "isExpression": true, "cases": [ { "concept": "MatchCase", "patterns": [ { "concept": "BooleanLiteral", "value": "true" } ], "body": [ { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "1", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } ], "isMatchedTypeEnumable": true }, { "concept": "MatchCase", "patterns": [ { "concept": "BooleanLiteral", "value": "false" } ], "body": [ { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "0", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } ], "isMatchedTypeEnumable": true }, { "concept": "MatchCase", "patterns": [], "body": [], "isMatchedTypeEnumable": false } ] }
| match item.productReport.executed { true => 1 false => 0 }
basics/expressions | UnaryExpression | 一元表达式 | { "concept": "UnaryExpression", "operator": "!", "argument": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "condition" } }
| |
数据查询中的一元表达式{ "concept": "UnaryExpression", "operator": "isNull", "argument": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "condition" } }
| |
basics/expressions | MemberExpression | 成员表达式 | { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "student" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "name" } }
| |
{ "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "item" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "student" } }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "name" } }
| |
枚举标识符{ "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "app.enums", "name": "Status" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "Normal" } }
| app::enums::Status.Normal
数值枚举标识符{ "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "app.enums", "name": "Status" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "0" } }
| |
basics/expressions | Unparsed | 未解析的 | | |
basics/expressions | New | 构造器 | | |
basics/expressions | NewComposite | 实体/(匿名)数据结构构造器 | { "concept": "NewComposite", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "reference", "typeNamespace": "app.dataSources.defaultDS.entities", "typeName": "Student", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }, "properties": [ { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "id" }, { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "createdTime" }, { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "updatedTime" }, { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "createdBy" }, { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "updatedBy" }, { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "name" } ], "rights": [ { "concept": "SelectMembers", "hideMembers": false, "expression": { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "学生甲" }, "members": [] } ], "assignmentLines": [ { "concept": "AssignmentLine", "leftIndex": [ 0, 5 ], "rightIndex": [ 0 ] } ], "hideProperties": false, "hideDefaults": false, "autoConnection": true }
| app::dataSources::defaultDS::entities::Student { id = '学生甲', }
新建匿名数据结构{ "concept": "NewComposite", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "anonymousStructure", "typeNamespace": "", "typeName": "", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {}, "properties": [ { "concept": "StructureProperty", "name": "name" }, { "concept": "StructureProperty", "name": "age" } ] }, "properties": [ { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "name" }, { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "age" } ], "rights": [ { "concept": "SelectMembers", "hideMembers": false, "expression": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "24", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, "members": [] }, { "concept": "SelectMembers", "hideMembers": false, "expression": { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "学生甲" }, "members": [] } ], "assignmentLines": [ { "concept": "AssignmentLine", "leftIndex": [ 0, 0 ], "rightIndex": [ 1 ] }, { "concept": "AssignmentLine", "leftIndex": [ 0, 1 ], "rightIndex": [ 0 ] } ], "hideProperties": false, "hideDefaults": false, "autoConnection": true }
| { name = 24, age = '学生甲', }
basics/expressions | NewList | 列表构造器 | { "concept": "NewList", "items": [ { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "选项1" }, { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "选项2" }, { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "选项3" } ] }
| |
basics/expressions | NewMap | Map 构造器 | { "concept": "NewMap", "keys": [ { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "1", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "2", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "3", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } ], "values": [ { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "选项1" }, { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "选项2" }, { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "选项3" } ] }
| [1 -> '选项1', 2 -> '选项2', 3 -> '选项3']
basics/expressions | Paginate | 分页 | | |
basics/statements | Abort | 中止表达式 | | |
basics/statements | Start | 开始节点 | | |
basics/statements | End | 结束节点 | | |
basics/statements | IfStatement | 条件分支 | { "concept": "IfStatement", "test": { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "length" } }, "right": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "0", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, "operator": "==" }, "consequent": [ { "concept": "Assignment", "label": "赋值", "left": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "result" }, "right": { "concept": "NullLiteral" } } ], "alternate": [ { "concept": "Assignment", "label": "赋值", "left": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "result" }, "right": { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "CallFunction", "label": "内置函数", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.util", "calleeName": "ListSum", "typeArguments": [], "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "list", "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" } } ] }, "right": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "length" } }, "operator": "/" } } ] }
| if (list.length == 0) { result = null } else { result = nasl::util::ListSum(list) / list.length }
basics/statements | SwitchStatement | 选择分支 | { "concept": "SwitchStatement", "cases": [ { "concept": "SwitchCase", "test": { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "length" } }, "right": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "0", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, "operator": "==" }, "consequent": [ { "concept": "CallLogic", "uuid": "1a3ec5f53ff84d5f87cd9d81b741bd39", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.logging", "calleeName": "INFO", "shortcut": true, "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "模板", "expression": { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "情况1" } } ] } ] }, { "concept": "SwitchCase", "test": { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "length" } }, "right": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "10", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, "operator": "<=" }, "consequent": [ { "concept": "CallLogic", "uuid": "08d83151df934c3e904ab8704e14b2ae", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.logging", "calleeName": "INFO", "shortcut": true, "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "模板", "expression": { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "情况2" } } ] } ] }, { "concept": "SwitchCase", "consequent": [ { "concept": "CallLogic", "uuid": "11fe6dacbd3f42749c14c272fad6ffbb", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.logging", "calleeName": "INFO", "shortcut": true, "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "模板", "expression": { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "其它情况" } } ] } ] } ] }
| switch { list.length == 0 => { nasl::logging::INFO('情况1') } list.length <= 10 => { nasl::logging::INFO('情况2') } _ => { nasl::logging::INFO('其它情况') } }
basics/statements | SwitchCase | 选择分支情况 | { "concept": "SwitchCase", "test": { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "length" } }, "right": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "10", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, "operator": "<=" }, "consequent": [ { "concept": "CallLogic", "uuid": "08d83151df934c3e904ab8704e14b2ae", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.logging", "calleeName": "INFO", "shortcut": true, "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "模板", "expression": { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "情况2" } } ] } ] }
| list.length <= 10 => { nasl::logging::INFO('情况2') }
else{ "concept": "SwitchCase", "consequent": [ { "concept": "CallLogic", "uuid": "11fe6dacbd3f42749c14c272fad6ffbb", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.logging", "calleeName": "INFO", "shortcut": true, "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "模板", "expression": { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "其它情况" } } ] } ] }
| _ => { nasl::logging::INFO('其它情况') }
basics/statements | ForEachStatement | ForEach 循环分支 | { "concept": "ForEachStatement", "each": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" }, "item": { "concept": "Param", "name": "item", "description": "" }, "index": { "concept": "Param", "name": "index", "description": "" }, "start": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "0", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, "body": [ { "concept": "IfStatement", "test": { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "item" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "productReport" } }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "accepted" } }, "right": { "concept": "BooleanLiteral", "value": "true" }, "operator": "==" }, "consequent": [ { "concept": "CallFunction", "label": "内置函数", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.util", "calleeName": "Add", "typeArguments": [], "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "list", "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "fullAcceptedList" } }, { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "item", "expression": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "1", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } } ] } ], "alternate": [ { "concept": "CallFunction", "label": "内置函数", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.util", "calleeName": "Add", "typeArguments": [], "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "list", "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "fullAcceptedList" } }, { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "item", "expression": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "0", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } } ] } ] } ] }
| for (item in list, index) { if (item.productReport.accepted == true) { nasl::util::Add(fullAcceptedList, 1) } else { nasl::util::Add(fullAcceptedList, 0) } }
{ "concept": "ForEachStatement", "each": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" }, "item": { "concept": "Param", "name": "item", "description": "" }, "index": { "concept": "Param", "name": "index", "description": "" }, "start": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "3", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, "end": { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "length" } }, "operator": "-", "right": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "3", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } }, "body": [ { "concept": "IfStatement", "test": { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "item" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "productReport" } }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "accepted" } }, "right": { "concept": "BooleanLiteral", "value": "true" }, "operator": "==" }, "consequent": [ { "concept": "CallFunction", "label": "内置函数", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.util", "calleeName": "Add", "typeArguments": [], "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "list", "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "fullAcceptedList" } }, { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "item", "expression": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "1", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } } ] } ], "alternate": [ { "concept": "CallFunction", "label": "内置函数", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.util", "calleeName": "Add", "typeArguments": [], "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "list", "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "fullAcceptedList" } }, { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "item", "expression": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "0", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } } ] } ] } ] }
| for (item in list, index from 3 to list.length - 3) { if (item.productReport.accepted == true) { nasl::util::Add(fullAcceptedList, 1) } else { nasl::util::Add(fullAcceptedList, 0) } }
basics/statements | WhileStatement | While 循环分支 | { "concept": "WhileStatement", "test": { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "length" } }, "operator": ">", "right": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "0", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } }, "body": [ { "concept": "CallFunction", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.util", "calleeName": "RemoveAt", "typeArguments": [], "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "list", "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" } }, { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "index", "expression": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "0", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } } ] } ] }
| while (list.length > 0) { nasl::util::RemoveAt(list, 0); }
basics/statements | Assignment | 赋值语句 | { "concept": "Assignment", "label": "赋值", "left": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "result" }, "right": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "product" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "price" } } }
| |
basics/statements | BatchAssignment | 批量赋值语句 | { "concept": "BatchAssignment", "label": "批量赋值", "left": { "concept": "SelectMembers", "hideMembers": false, "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "result" }, "members": [ { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "result" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "accepted" } }, { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "result" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "executed" } }, { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "result" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "fullAccepted" } }, { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "result" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "success" } } ] }, "rights": [ { "concept": "SelectMembers", "hideMembers": false, "expression": { "uuid": "52f1329c82414b9a8c320815cf703425", "concept": "CallLogic", "label": "调用逻辑", "calleeNamespace": "app.logics", "calleeName": "computeRatio", "handleError": false, "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "list", "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "executedList" } } ] }, "members": [] }, { "concept": "SelectMembers", "hideMembers": false, "expression": { "uuid": "aabee80d05b94a64ab797bae0f11aa85", "concept": "CallLogic", "label": "调用逻辑", "calleeNamespace": "app.logics", "calleeName": "computeRatio", "handleError": false, "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "list", "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "successList" } } ] }, "members": [] }, { "concept": "SelectMembers", "hideMembers": false, "expression": { "uuid": "a274f5173af049feaee53c1b968c17c1", "concept": "CallLogic", "label": "调用逻辑", "calleeNamespace": "app.logics", "calleeName": "computeRatio", "handleError": false, "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "list", "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "acceptedList" } } ] }, "members": [] }, { "concept": "SelectMembers", "hideMembers": false, "expression": { "uuid": "6ac10af536c446acbc7179b4f525d3d6", "concept": "CallLogic", "label": "调用逻辑", "calleeNamespace": "app.logics", "calleeName": "computeRatio", "handleError": false, "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "list", "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "fullAcceptedList" } } ] }, "members": [] } ], "assignmentLines": [ { "concept": "AssignmentLine", "leftIndex": [ 0, 2 ], "rightIndex": [ 3 ] }, { "concept": "AssignmentLine", "leftIndex": [ 0, 0 ], "rightIndex": [ 2 ] }, { "concept": "AssignmentLine", "leftIndex": [ 0, 3 ], "rightIndex": [ 1 ] }, { "concept": "AssignmentLine", "leftIndex": [ 0, 1 ], "rightIndex": [ 0 ] } ], "autoConnection": true }
| { result.fullAccepted = app::logics::computeRatio(fullAcceptedList); result.accepted = app::logics::computeRatio(acceptedList); result.success = app::logics::computeRatio(successList); result.executed = app::logics::computeRatio(executedList); }
basics/statements | Comment | 注释 | { "concept": "Comment", "value": "这是一段注释,用户可自行修改。" }
| |
basics/statements | CallLogic | 调用逻辑 | { "uuid": "43a14fc183ed4b1bab03a839ea7fce9f", "concept": "CallLogic", "label": "调用逻辑", "calleeNamespace": "elements.saveModal_1.logics", "calleeName": "open", "arguments": [] }
| $refs::saveModal_1::open()
带 shortcut{ "uuid": "d5ab84861fa64b5f928b655182c9a19d", "concept": "CallLogic", "label": "输出日志", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.logging", "calleeName": "INFO", "shortcut": true, "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "模板", "expression": { "concept": "StringInterpolation", "expressions": [ { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "count: " }, { "concept": "CallFunction", "label": "内置函数", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.util", "calleeName": "ListSum", "typeArguments": [], "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "list", "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" } } ] }, { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": ", length: " }, { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "length" } } ] } } ] }
| nasl::logging::INFO(s"count: ${nasl::util::ListSum(list)}, length: ${list.length}")
basics/statements | CallEvent | 触发事件 | | |
basics/statements | CallInterface | 调用接口 | | |
basics/statements | Destination | 跳转页面 | { "concept": "Destination", "viewNamespace": "app.frontendTypes.pc.frontends.pc.views.dashboard.views", "viewName": "productList", "arguments": [], "target": "_self", "anchor": { "concept": "Anchor", "expression": { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "标题1" } } }
| nasl::ui::destination(app::frontendTypes::pc::frontends::pc::views::dashboard::views::productList)
basics/statements | ExternalDestination | 跳转到外部链接 | { "concept": "ExternalDestination", "link": { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "", "folded": false }, "target": "_self" }
| nasl::ui::gotoLink('', undefined)
basics/statements | Argument | 实际参数 | { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "", "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list1" } }
| |
{ "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "list", "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list1" } }
| |
basics/statements | Anchor | 锚点参数 | { "concept": "Anchor", "expression": { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "标题1" } }
| |
basics/statements | JSBlock | JS 代码块 | | |
basics/statements | Block | Block 语句 | { "concept": "Block", "logicItems": [ { "concept": "Assignment", "label": "赋值", "left": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "result" }, "right": { "concept": "NullLiteral" } }, { "concept": "CallLogic", "uuid": "11fe6dacbd3f42749c14c272fad6ffbb", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.logging", "calleeName": "INFO", "shortcut": true, "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "模板", "expression": { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "其它情况" } } ] } ] }
| { result = null; nasl::logging::INFO('其它情况'); }
basics/statements | CallAuthInterface | 调用接口 | | |
basics | [[BaseNode]] | 节点基类 | | |
basics | LogicDeclaration | 逻辑声明 | | |
basics | Logic | 逻辑 | { "concept": "Logic", "name": "logic1", "title": "标题", "description": "", "triggerType": "", "cron": "", "overridable": false, "transactional": { "concept": "Transactional", "enabled": false, "propagation": "REQUIRED", "isolation": "DEFAULT" }, "params": [ { "concept": "Param", "name": "list", "description": "", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeNamespace": "nasl.collection", "typeKind": "generic", "typeName": "List", "typeArguments": [ { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } ], "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } ], "returns": [ { "concept": "Return", "name": "result", "description": "" } ], "variables": [], "body": [ { "concept": "Start" }, { "concept": "Assignment", "label": "赋值", "left": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "result" }, "right": { "concept": "NullLiteral" } }, { "concept": "IfStatement", "test": { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "length" } }, "right": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "0", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, "operator": "==" }, "consequent": [ { "concept": "Assignment", "label": "赋值", "left": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "result" }, "right": { "concept": "NullLiteral" } } ], "alternate": [ { "concept": "Assignment", "label": "赋值", "left": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "result" }, "right": { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "CallFunction", "label": "内置函数", "calleeNamespace": "nasl.util", "calleeName": "ListSum", "typeArguments": [], "arguments": [ { "concept": "Argument", "keyword": "list", "expression": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" } } ] }, "right": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "list" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "length" } }, "operator": "/" } } ] }, { "concept": "End" } ], "playground": [] }
| logic logic1(list: List<nasl::core::Integer>) result { result = null if (list.length == 0) { result = null } else { result = nasl::util::ListSum(list) / list.length } end }
basics | AuthLogic | 鉴权逻辑 | | |
basics | AuthLogicForCallInterface | 调用接口的鉴权逻辑 | | |
basics | OverriddenLogic | 覆写逻辑 | { "concept": "OverriddenLogic", "overriddenModule": "lcap_permission", "name": "checkPermission", "description": "校验用户访问资源的权限", "triggerType": "", "cron": "", "transactional": { "concept": "Transactional", "enabled": false }, "params": [ { "concept": "Param", "name": "userId", "description": "用户唯一标识", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "String", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, { "concept": "Param", "name": "resourceValue", "description": "资源值(通常为浏览器上的访问路径)", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "String", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, { "concept": "Param", "name": "resourceType", "description": "资源的类型(表示当前资源是页面还是组件)", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "String", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, { "concept": "Param", "name": "clientType", "description": "资源所属的端标识(多端场景下存在重名资源)", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "String", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } ], "returns": [ { "concept": "Return", "name": "result", "description": "用户是否能访问指定资源", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Boolean", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }, "defaultValue": { "concept": "DefaultValue", "expression": { "concept": "BooleanLiteral", "value": "false" }, "playground": [] } } ], "variables": [], "body": [ { "concept": "Start", "label": "开始" }, { "concept": "IfStatement", "test": { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "resourceValue" }, "right": { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "/index" }, "operator": "==" }, "consequent": [ { "concept": "Assignment", "left": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "result" }, "right": { "concept": "BooleanLiteral", "value": "true" } } ], "alternate": [], "label": "条件分支" }, { "concept": "End", "label": "结束" } ], "playground": [] }
| @override logic checkPermission(userId: nasl::core::String, resourceValue: nasl::core::String, resourceType: nasl::core::String, clientType: nasl::core::String) result: nasl::core::Boolean { if (resourceValue == '/index') { result = true } else { } end }
basics | BusinessLogic | 业务组件逻辑 | | |
basics | [[AbstractInterface]] | 接口 | | |
basics | Param | 输入参数 | { "concept": "Param", "name": "filter", "description": "", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Date", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }
| |
无类型标注的参数{ "concept": "Param", "name": "index", "description": "" }
| index: nasl::core::String
basics | ParamWithGroup | 带分组的参数 | { "concept": "ParamWithGroup", "name": "size", "title": "大小", "group": "分组1", "description": "", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }
| @( title = "大小", group = "分组1", ) size: nasl::core::Integer
basics | Return | 输出参数 | { "concept": "Return", "name": "result", "description": "" }
| |
basics | Variable | 变量 | { "concept": "Variable", "name": "total", "description": "", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }
| total: nasl::core::Integer
basics | BackendVariable | 后端全局变量 | { "concept": "BackendVariable", "name": "httpRequest", "description": "httpRequest对象,可在逻辑中使用,用于获取当前请求的属性,例如: cookie、header、ip等", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "generic", "typeNamespace": "nasl.http", "typeName": "HttpRequest", "typeArguments": [ { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "String", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } ], "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }, "scope": "request" }
| |
basics | FrontendVariable | 前端全局变量 | { "concept": "FrontendVariable", "localCache": false, "name": "frontendVariable1", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "String", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }
| frontendVariable1: nasl::core::String
basics | Constant | 常量 | { "concept": "Constant", "name": "MAX_COUNT", "description": "", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} }, "defaultValue": { "concept": "DefaultValue", "expression": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "100", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, "playground": [] } }
| |
basics | [[LogicItem]] | 逻辑项 | | |
basics | Function | 函数 | | |
basics | AnonymousFunction | 匿名函数 | { "concept": "AnonymousFunction", "params": [ { "concept": "Param", "name": "item", "description": "" } ], "body": { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "MemberExpression", "object": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "item" }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "productReport" } }, "property": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "executed" } }, "right": { "concept": "NullLiteral" }, "operator": "!=" } }
| { item: nasl::core::String => item.productReport.executed != null }
basics | [[ImportedInterface]] | 由JSON生成接口 | | |
basics | Interface | 接口 | | |
basics | InterfaceParam | 接口参数 | | |
basics | Transactional | 事务 | { "concept": "Transactional", "enabled": true }
| |
basics | DefaultValue | 默认值 | { "concept": "DefaultValue", "expression": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "120", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, "playground": [] }
| |
basics | JavaLogic | Java 扩展逻辑 | | |
basics | AuthInterface | 鉴权接口 | | |
modularity | App | 应用 | | |
modularity | Module | 模块 | | |
modularity | Namespace | 命名空间 | | |
modularity | FrontendType | 端类型 | | |
modularity | Frontend | 前端 | | |
modularity | Backend | 后端 | | |
modularity | FrontendLibrary | 前端库 | | |
integration | Integration | 集成 | | |
integration | MicroApp | 微应用 | | |
integration | TriggerEvent | 触发器事件 | | |
integration | MsgTriggerEvent | 触发器事件消息 | | |
integration | ConnectorTrigger | 连接器触发器 | | |
integration | TriggerLauncher | 触发器启动器 | | |
integration | MsgTriggerLauncher | 触发器启动器消息 | | |
integration | Connector | 连接器 | | |
integration | CallConnector | 调用连接器 | | |
integration | Connection | 连接 | | |
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view | Event | 组件事件 | | |
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process | ProcessOutcome | 判断结果 | | |
process | Assignee | 经办人 | | |
process | ProcessOutcomes | 判断结果数组 | | |
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| for OrderProduct in OrderProductEntity inner join OrderForm in OrderForm on OrderProduct.orderId == inner join Product in Product on OrderProduct.productId == where OrderProduct.createdBy == '张三' && OrderProduct.createdTime > startDateTime groupby OrderProduct.productId, orderby productName asc select { orderProduct: OrderProduct, orderForm: OrderForm, product: Product, totalAmount: SUM(OrderProduct.amount), productId: OrderProduct.productId, productName:, } page 1 size 1000
dataQuery | QuerySelectExpression | 查询选择子句 | { "concept": "QuerySelectExpression", "distinct": false, "star": true, "selectElements": [ { "concept": "QueryFieldExpression", "isDotStar": true, "entityAsName": "Product", "propertyName": "", "asName": "" } ] }
| select { product: Product, }
{ "concept": "QuerySelectExpression", "distinct": false, "star": true, "selectElements": [ { "concept": "QueryFieldExpression", "isDotStar": true, "entityAsName": "OrderProduct", "propertyName": "", "asName": "" }, { "concept": "QueryFieldExpression", "isDotStar": true, "entityAsName": "OrderForm", "propertyName": "", "asName": "" }, { "concept": "QueryFieldExpression", "isDotStar": true, "entityAsName": "Product", "propertyName": "", "asName": "" }, { "concept": "QueryAggregateExpression", "asName": "totalAmount", "aggregateName": "SUM", "aggregateParam": { "concept": "QueryFieldExpression", "isDotStar": false, "entityAsName": "OrderProduct", "propertyName": "amount", "asName": "" } } ] }
| select { orderProduct: OrderProduct, orderForm: OrderForm, product: Product, totalAmount: SUM(OrderProduct.amount), }
dataQuery | QueryFromExpression | 查询 From 子句 | { "concept": "QueryFromExpression", "entityNamespace": "app.dataSources.defaultDS.entities", "entityName": "OrderProduct", "asName": "", "joinParts": [] }
| for OrderProduct in OrderProductEntity
dataQuery | QueryJoinExpression | 查询 Join 子句 | { "concept": "QueryJoinExpression", "entityNamespace": "app.dataSources.defaultDS.entities", "entityName": "OrderForm", "joinType": "INNER", "onExpressions": [ { "concept": "BinaryExpression", "left": { "concept": "QueryFieldExpression", "isDotStar": false, "entityAsName": "OrderProduct", "propertyName": "orderId", "asName": "" }, "right": { "concept": "QueryFieldExpression", "isDotStar": false, "entityAsName": "OrderForm", "propertyName": "id", "asName": "" }, "operator": "==" } ], "joinParts": [], "asName": "" }
| inner join OrderForm in OrderForm on OrderProduct.orderId ==
dataQuery | QueryFieldExpression | 查询属性 | { "concept": "QueryFieldExpression", "isDotStar": true, "entityAsName": "OrderProduct", "propertyName": "", "asName": "" }
| |
{ "concept": "QueryFieldExpression", "isDotStar": false, "entityAsName": "OrderProduct", "propertyName": "amount", "asName": "" }
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dataQuery | QueryAggregateExpression | 查询聚合函数 | { "concept": "QueryAggregateExpression", "aggregateName": "SUM", "aggregateParam": { "concept": "QueryFieldExpression", "isDotStar": false, "entityAsName": "OrderProduct", "propertyName": "amount", "asName": "" }, "asName": "totalAmount" }
| totalAmount: SUM(OrderProduct.amount)
dataQuery | QueryOrderByExpression | 查询排序子句 | { "concept": "QueryOrderByExpression", "orderElement": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "sort" }, "order": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "order" } }
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{ "concept": "QueryOrderByExpression", "orderElement": { "concept": "QueryFieldExpression", "isDotStar": false, "entityAsName": "Product", "propertyName": "createdTime", "asName": "" }, "order": { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "DESC" } }
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{ "concept": "QueryOrderByExpression", "orderElement": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "inner", "name": "productName" }, "order": { "concept": "StringLiteral", "value": "ASC" } }
| |
dataQuery | QueryGroupByExpression | 查询分组 | { "concept": "QueryGroupByExpression", "groupElement": { "concept": "QueryFieldExpression", "isDotStar": false, "entityAsName": "OrderProduct", "propertyName": "productId", "asName": "productId" } }
| |
{ "concept": "QueryGroupByExpression", "groupElement": { "concept": "QueryFieldExpression", "isDotStar": false, "entityAsName": "Product", "propertyName": "name", "asName": "productName" } }
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dataQuery | QueryLimitExpression | 查询分页子句 | { "concept": "QueryLimitExpression", "pageElement": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "1", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } }, "pageSizeElement": { "concept": "NumericLiteral", "value": "1000", "typeAnnotation": { "concept": "TypeAnnotation", "typeKind": "primitive", "typeNamespace": "nasl.core", "typeName": "Long", "inferred": false, "ruleMap": {} } } }
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{ "concept": "QueryLimitExpression", "pageElement": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "page" }, "pageSizeElement": { "concept": "Identifier", "namespace": "", "name": "size" } }
| page ${page} size ${size}
dataQuery | SqlQueryComponent | SQL 查询 | | |
dataQuery | OqlQueryComponent | SQL 查询 | { "concept": "OqlQueryComponent", "dataSource": "app.dataSources.defaultDS", "code": "SELECT * FROM Product WHERE createdTime > \$\{createdTime}" }
| sql"SELECT * FROM Product WHERE createdTime > ${createdTime}"
{ "concept": "OqlQueryComponent", "dataSource": "app.dataSources.defaultDS", "code": "SELECT * FROM Product WHERE status = \$\{app.enums.StatusEnum.Normal}" }
| sql"SELECT * FROM Product WHERE status = ${app.enums.StatusEnum.Normal}"
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